
My planner, my rough book and my pen roll. So here it begins.

I have made lists, drawn and planned all my life it seems. I am fascinated by the colourful planning tools technology provides us with today, and I use some of them. But I don't think I will ever completely move away from paper. Creativity online is not the same as taking a pen and seeing the ink flow across the paper. And online 'to do' lists give me too much wiggle room. An item from today's list can so easily be moved to tomorrow's list, and even on completion won't have the same satisfaction on deletion that crossing through or ticking an item on my paper list does. So paper for me is definitely here stay.

What technology has helped me with over the past few years is new ideas. And I find it interesting that, in these days where so many have access to the internet and technology, that paper planners are flourishing. They are everywhere. Bullet journals, morning pages, creative diaries, wherever you look and whatever productivity system you choose to follow there is bound to be a planner - a paper planner - to 'back up' that system for you.

I love to create my own planners and in the last two years I have come up with a system using the disc-bound planners that started for me with Staples Arc Folders. I print all my own planner layouts now and creating my new planner for the year and then using it through the year has given me immense pleasure.

From the little I have put out on social media about my planner interests, people have begun to ask me about what I do. Hence I decided to start this blog. Partly it will help me organise my thoughts and partly I intend it to be somewhere I can direct people who are interested in the systems I use or am looking at.

So here is my first post to get me started on this new journey. If you would like to follow along then you would be very welcome.
